Keep on Keeping on: 6 Proven Ways of How to Overcome Adversity:

“keep on keeping on” means to continue doing something despite difficulties or challenges. It implies perseverance, resilience, and determination in the face of obstacles or setbacks.  
6 Proven Ways of How to Overcome Adversity
Grit of a Tiger
Keep on keeping on encapsulates the essence of cultivating grit, which involves facing challenges head-on, maintaining motivation, and persisting through difficulties with a
sustained effort to pursue your long-term goals.

One way to keep on keeping on is to grow your grit. Grit is the passion and persistence for long-term goals, even when things get hard or boring. Gritty people do not give up easily, they learn from their failures, and they pursue their dreams with enthusiasm and dedication.

My favorite example of a person who kept on keeping on and grew their grit is: Albert Einstein, who faced many rejections and criticisms in his early career, but persisted in his scientific research and discoveries, and became one of the most influential physicists of all time.


This is just one of the many examples of people who kept on keeping on and grew their grit. Einstein showed us that with hard work, passion, and perseverance, we can overcome any challenge and achieve our goals. 🙌

Keeping on keeping on when the tide is against you can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some 6 proven tips that may help you cope with adversity and overcome obstacles:

- Try to release excuses

Excuses allow you to shift blame and deny your own role in your current situation. While you may have no control over certain events, how you respond can help influence your outcome. Taking time to examine your own responses as well as actions that may have led to the current situation may help give you actionable steps to take.

Change your focus

Focusing too much on the negative can lead to a psychological phenomenon known as a self-fulfilling prophecy, which means that your initially inaccurate perception can become true. Visualization, positive self-talk, mindfulness meditation, and other strategies may help you to change your perception from a negative one to a positive one. They may also help influence a more positive future.

Try journaling

Journaling is the simple act of writing out what’s going on along with your thoughts and your feelings. It can be therapeutic at the moment, and it may also help you better reflect on what is going on and allow you to better process the adversity and gain wisdom from it.

Block out the bad noise

Everyone has opinions, and not all are helpful or constructive. Some can even bring you down and make it easier to engage in self-doubt. You can try to block out the negativity with a variety of different strategies, such as practicing self-care or setting clear boundaries, but you should use the one that works for you.

Celebrate your accomplishments

Whether big or small, take some time to acknowledge your accomplishments as they happen. In doing so, you can see how far you’ve come and help build up your self-confidence and self-esteem so you can get past whatever adversity you’re currently facing.

Surround yourself with positive people

Positive people and those with good mindsets can help energize you. People who will praise or positively respond to your goals, ambitions, and choices can help give you the confidence to keep going.

These are just some of the ways that you can keep on keeping on and grow your grit. Remember that you are not alone, and that you have the strength and the resources to overcome any challenge.


Have you ever faced any obstacles? Comment below to let us know if you have and how you over came them - Grow Your Grit.

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